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Old 2003-06-08, 11:22 PM   [Ignore Me] #1
Talking More battle stories

I would like to continue Hamma's little idea because they are all so fun to read. So, here is one of my personal favorites to kick it off.

First off I am a Vanu cloaker/combat engineer, and as such it is inevitable that I am the kind of person who loves a challenge. So, on this particular day I was attempting to get a foothold for the Vanu on Forseral, the only problem was that I must have been the only Vanu on the continent. Anyways directly after warping I ran to the nearest tower and hacked it without any trouble even despite the fact that Terrans kept respawnig and pouring out every other second.

After lacing the place with mines and turrets I made my way to the closest base that I could hack (Terran). I spent two of my four aces infront of the vehicle bay (great fun with boomers) and ran into the base. When I got into the base I got up and ran down to the basement which wasn't the brightest thin I ever did because it made me visible to the Terran cloaker who I just mannaged to see too. I don't really know what he did but I unholstered my knife and randomly slashed untill I luckily slashed in the right spot and killed him.

Now I was feeling a bit more cautious so I crouched the rest of the way to the controll room. As soon as I hacked that door I saw three guys, (one had a mini chaingun *shudder*:O: ). One was infront of the consol and the two others were at his sides and they were all lookin at me. Figuring these wern't the brightest guys around (the door just kept opening and closing and they didn't even notice) I walked up to point blank of the middle guys mini chaingun, laid a boomer, backed up, and detonated it killing two of the three. All this while the Terrans looked around at eachother to see who had the ace. I slashed the last guy with my knife, hacked the console, and hid in the connecting hallway for five mins. All this only to have a couple of attacking New C AI MAX units (one with darklight) blow my brains out and steal my hack.

Oh well, while it lasted I felt kinda like James Bond
Silent Suzuka

<I was havin sex on a horse till the Walmart manager unpluged it>
<I'm not suffering from insanity, I enjoy every minute of it >
<I don't like sex on the telly, I keep fallin off...>

Last edited by Suzuka; 2003-06-08 at 11:24 PM.
Suzuka is offline  
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