Galaxies set to launch this month - PlanetSide Universe
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Old 2003-06-17, 04:01 PM   [Ignore Me] #1
Galaxies set to launch this month

File this in the "Gee, What's the Rush?" category:

LucasArts reveals that its Star Wars online RPG will ship on June 26.

Since LucasArts delayed Star Wars Galaxies in March, the publisher hasn't publicly discussed a release schedule for the game. The company has today revealed that the game is set to launch sooner than anyone might have expected--next week.

Galaxies' pricing and subscription plans were also announced today, and the game's standard monthly fee will start a notch higher than what's charged for other online games. The month-to-month fee is $14.99, and there are three longer-term subscription plans that reduce this base rate: the three-month plan is $14 per month, the six-month plan is $13 per month, and the 12-month plan is $12 per month.

"The current subscription plan for Star Wars Galaxies is reflective of the game's high quality and competitive with the current marketplace," said Simon Jeffery, president of LucasArts. "No matter which subscription option players choose, they'll be able to look forward to a constant stream of dynamic content and features, first-rate customer service, and much, much more."

Star Wars Galaxies has a suggested retail price of $49.95, which includes a 30-day subscription. LucasArts will also release a $79.95 special collector's edition that comes with a book of game-related art, in-game wearable items for character customization, a pewter figurine, a lapel pin and patch, and a signed manual. For more details on Star Wars Galaxies, check out our previous coverage of the game.

By Sam Parker, GameSpot
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