Overlooked weapon...BEST IN THE GAME IMO!
I think people should give some props to the Thumper. I think this is possibly one of the best weapons in the game. What other weapon (besides Pounder Max and grenades) can you use to shoot down and around hallways and stairwells and over base walls? You can use to lob over hills where snipers or infils may be hiding? And with the normal grenades (and surge) you can take down a MAX - takes some skill. With the Plasma grenades, you can possibly drop a reinforced in 6 shots (with some direct hits). Infils in 2 shots!
Given it does cause some grief is used incorrectly and if used too close to an enemy can cause yourself some damage (In these situations, you should be using a HA weapon anyways).
Anyway, just wanted to throw some love out to the Thumper even though I don't see many people using it in the field.
Later all.