The Jackhammer will not get owned by a Lasher when the patch goes through. The Lasher will just be a weapon you gotta respect now. Which means the many JH players are going to actually have a challenge now. Many will meet the challenge head on and be fine. Many will get their asses handed to them because they've been using the JH as a crutch. I'd expect the NC population to decline somewhat after this patch however. Vanu may get a boost in population now. They'll have a good HA weapon along with the ever popular Magrider... very attractive indeed for the flavor of the month types.
I hope you're right. I'd like more people to fight and kill thx
I have heavy assault, but use gauss 80% of the time anyway. No clue why that is. I'd also love the new lasher I'm sure, since I play "smart(or cowardly if you prefer to call it that)" and I often run out of ammo and start scavenging anything I can find!