I was thinking about the technicalities of PS recently. It seems that this game is set up for great commanding and campaigns and such, except for the fact that the main thing you do is just attack a base along with the Zerg. There needs to be soemthing changed so that commanding is actually needed. So far, its just follow the zerg.
This also brings up another problem i've been thinking about lately. The fact that poeple say, "Oh, i got BR 20, time to work on CR's" scares me. People should try to command because they think they can command, not just becasue they have already got BR20 and want to max out there levels. There needs to be something changed where the commanders who can actually command get more exp than the guys who just say, "go here".
I have no ideas so far on how to solve these problems, and have been trying to come up with some, but i thought you guys may have some thoughts.