Quotes thread (again) - PlanetSide Universe
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Old 2003-07-19, 06:32 PM   [Ignore Me] #1
Banned for no reason
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Quotes thread (again)

Post the quotes you've submitted, have been accpeted ,ro rejected, here:

- Because your last addiction got you in jail
- Because your other addiciction is illegal
- Because your other addiction costs money
- 1024 needs a life
- Hamma Time
- Can't Touch This
- hamma freestyles like eminem
- death is a guy with no pants, his name is Hamma
- Where women and cheese go great together
- Hamma gets e-mails abot putting his pants on
- a division of UPS

- Hamma speaks mexican
- PSU taught meh how teh spell liek a ph43red l33t n00b
- Bceaasue oyur ohter addiciton skewr up yoru thiknign
- Because your other addiciton has less chance of giving you a seizure
- Because your other addiciton destoys your brain less
- Because your other addiction has no solid dealer
- MC Hamma
- I rock your socks up down and all around
- ban.
- where guys iwth n opants are born
- Poles Sulking Up
- I keep spare pants in my locker for when BOHICA comes
- This quote has been placed in a queue and teh admin will reject it.
- Remeber the "Which empire are you?" threads from beta?
- Incompetent runs from SigBots
- if life is abitch, and her name is {{eMaGyN}}, then is death Hamma?
- eMa is nice
- Where Hamma loves to frolic
- Lets go get lost
- This isn't a quote, you just dont like me, do you? send me a PM in response -1024
- Where everyone has sanity has their
- What exactly makes this a quote?
- Hamma is going to reject this quote -1024
- The quote thingy is borked
- [Quote removed by admin.]
- ANT fun = ramming speed!
- Squeeky gave a shoutout to his mom for bringing him a #1 from MCdonalds
- 1024 hates his title
- 1024 should make sigs for everyone.
- aka Poop Suckers from Uranus
- Hamma's home away from ho- oh no wait, just his home

1024 is offline  
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