I usually don�t rant, but this time I am pissed off. We have another patch, another round of bugs. When we first heard of the test server I figured we would be done with this. This patch was the first one extensively tested on the test server, for a few weeks before it was released. So what happened? The team needs to figure out these issues, its things like this that cause people to cancel their subscription. Who the f wants to deal with more bugs every patch? I defend the team 90% of the time because I know how much of a pain this stuff is. I am in the computer industry, computers suck.
Here is the problem, IMO. This patch was tested extensively. What was different in testing than on the normal servers? It's plainly obvious the testers and CSR's are there. What are they doing? They are cheating at every chance, doing things like laying spitfires inside, handing out EXP, etc etc etc, just search this forum and you will find plenty of evidence and screens to prove it. Does this happen on the live servers? It sure has hell doesn�t.. so why are we using it on the test server. There is a new bug making it so that you can�t fill up a base with an ANT. hmmm.. well according to the testers there were never any ANT runs in testing.. why? Because the CSR's filled up the base with dev commands, this to me is unacceptable, if they want a test server, lets test it using real live conditions. Not a bunch of god mode CSR's running around planting mines and turrets inside. Creating vanguards, galaxies from thin air just because they can.
If they don�t start getting their act together this game will die. Not because the game sucks, but because of the shotty QA. People just simply don�t want to be a tester on a live server. They want to be a tester on the TEST server.