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Old 2003-07-21, 06:07 AM   [Ignore Me] #1
TekDragon's Avatar
SWG: House Atreides

Hey guys!

I been havin way to much fun in Star Wars Galaxies!

After a week of very hard work gun-running for the top weaponsmith on Wonderhome I have made enough money to purchase a PA Hall. It is only the 4th PA Hall to be sold on the server so far (they are insanely expencive).

For those who dont know about Wonderhome its the newest server and, as such, has a young population. Their are very few people with more than a half-dozen boxes in the professional combat classes. No one has reached master weaponsmith (though my supplier who i gun-run for is the closest, partly due to my massive sales) and only one person has reached master archetect (no one else is even close).
Anyway, the guide is called "House Atreides" (the name is from Frank Herbert's 'Dune' series) and the PA Hall is located north of Coronet, Cerillia. The Hall is facing a river and has some nice flat terrain around it where a small to medium size town could grow up in.

Im looking for the following in members:
  • Maturity (no l33t dudes, and id prefer 18+ ages only)
  • Friendliness (to fellow PA members and others)
  • Loyalty
  • Genorosity (willing to spend time helping younger members)
  • Sociable (to put our best face forward in the galaxy)
  • Dependable

The things that House Atreides will emphasize are:
Scheduled training seminars and field trials will be held to make the militant arm of House Atreides into an elite force capable of performing well in monster hunting and PvP combat. Both individual training and squad training will be utilized to ensure each member knows their role in the group and how to best ensure the success of the team or individual in combat situations.
As a small PA we will have greater potential to be an elite group. To help achieve this objective we will hold scheduled forays into dangerous fringe worlds to hunt down and kill the biggest game. This will provide experience oppurtunities for not only the combat types but also for scouts, medics, and
Organized and scheduled Battle Field events as well as organized forays into Rebel dominated cities (both official and PC built). We will utilize training in teamwork and tactics to dominate in any environment.
Our medium-term goal will be to establish a decent sized town north of Coronet. The town will have vendors selling all types of wares from weapons and armor to clothing, spices, medicine, and food. Additionally we will have a cantina/med center to heal those returning from hunting or from a Rebel incursion.

Send me a /tell in game. My name is TekDragon De'Sol. Hope some of you will consider moving to Wonderhome and joining

AIM: TekGriffon
ICQ: 24434445
TekDragon is offline  
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