1. This thread is here for people to discuss their opinions on what I posted and what they think of PlanetSides current direction, so you flaming trolls can go back to your holes.
2. The games release date WAS ewarly but you guys have to understand SONY probably gave the Devs a deadline, when that was reached the game was released, thats how the industry usually works unless the game has very big stability issues.
3. The CTF thing is not being over inflated, it is a bad idea, I agree that sitting in a CC for 15 minutes is pointless especially if 10 MAX show up and kill everyone (happened alot to me) and that combat need to be more outside instead of the same bases, yet this CTF like idea is no good, CTF is an old concept, this game promised us new, if I want CTF I can play good games that give me it for free like BF 1942, Unreal 2, etc
4. The community needs to be heard, the wishlist forum is pointless, so far I haven't seen the major ideas on the wishlist forum implemented, these are among many: Platoons, new base designs...etc