Gotta say I agree with the consensus here, sounds like he was tk'ing and was using a trick not to get grief. Or perhaps he was just "following orders" which led to a good deal of tk'ing. Either way it was probably pissing the hell out of people at that creation pad and if I had been there I would've been bitching just as much.
No different that some asshat who drives a ams up blocking the spawn tube of another ams.
No different than a galaxy driver who picks up a full load of people then flies over the ocean/deep water and ejects them all.
No different than when a CR5 starts global spamming some BS message, like a asshat the other night moaning about how great cheesy burrito's are and they rule all, over and over and over.
What your buddy did and all those examples have one thing in common, it pisses off other players. My opinion is that its about time the Customer Service people did SOMETHING.