Originally posted by DwarfVader
As a Dragonwolf sitting at BR13 and absolutly no command aspirations whatsoever except to maybe hit CR2 so that I can read the command chat once in a while, I'll say this.
We've been busting it alone for a while, fighting off barny zergs here and there, and once in a while just getting owned by them simply due to man power. Even in the case of getting owned we still hold them off for quite a while before the zerg crushes all.
As for myself, I've never really had any contact with the 7th Legion. However I can say that it would be nice to do some ass kicking with some TR's that don't have their heads crammed up their asses for a change. I can't even count how many times we've picked a continent that needed some TR influence, started the fight, taken half the continent only to then realize that a whole bunch of TR morons have showed up and created a zerg behind us that has about as much brains as a kiwi fruit.
The only real exp. I have with CR5's in general is Malone, and I refuse to even touch upon that subject here for reasons that I will summerize in a couple simple words: "World class ass globlin."
Again it would be nice to team up with another outfit that actually knows where its going half the time, and although I can't set anything up myself... From one Dragonwolf to the 7th legion... I'd be glad to fight along side you guys, just to see what you can do.
Dwarf, you should really check out my outfit. In the coming weeks, two other outfits are gonna merge with us. Our operations get VERY technical sometimes. One thing required in our outfit is Ventrilo. Voice is the key and PS voice sucks, so we use Ventrilo. You don't have to have a mic as long as you listen. PM me for moer info.
lilbird, My outfit was working along side you. We almost had the whole continent when I left.
Edit: Our outfit leader has also climbed the ranks to the head of the Emerald Alliance, which ensures more organization.