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Old 2003-07-26, 07:19 PM   [Ignore Me] #1
Lightbulb Collector
AztecWarrior's Avatar
RANT: To thieves and police

Any objections will result in nuclear-like meltdown of the objector, thank you.

Today my parents went to a funeral. My paternal grandma's cousin died, bless his soul. He was buried at Caballero Woodlawn next to my paternal grandmother, bless her soul.

Some fucker got into my mom's car and stole her purse. My dad locked the car using the hand remote, but out of respect for the dead, did not press it twice, which will sound a horn. Perhaps the car didn't lock properly.

90% of her personal identification is in there, along with around $80 US. Many photos are in there that cannot be replaced. Why?

Back in Mexico, my mom's native country, she stayed with her parents during a flood. Most of the family's photos were in the zotano. (I forget the translation). She went down, in water up to her head, to get what was left.

The photos of her childhood were already destroyed, but a few others were saved. My maternal grandmother's wedding dress was also destroyed.

She carried the photos she saved in her purse.

So naturally, my dad calles Miami-Dade Police. Guess what? They wont file a report because 'nothing important' was lost.

What the FUCK are you supposed to be doing? You are a fucking crime fighting organization, not donut-eater's club! My respect for the police has now reverted to it's pre-9/11 position.

5: I want to be a cop.
4: Our Heroes.
3 (current): Donut eaters who failed us when we needed them.
2: Black kid-shooting pigs!
1: Enemies of the Revolution!

During this post, 3 of my friends IMed me. They are all blocked.

If you are a cop, get this straight: Your job is not to sit on your ass and let thieves go!

As my brother put it: "I'm becoming a pickpocket- the police won't do anything to stop me!"
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