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Old 2003-07-27, 02:30 AM   [Ignore Me] #1
Brigadier General
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A well spent $15

Today I was browsing through the mall, and I decided to go into the Electronic's boutique to have a look around, and see what new games have come in recently. Nothing but the glistening HL2 pre-order boxes caught my interest, until I headed to the back of the store, with all the old PC games, you know, the ones that were still packaged in the large boxes. Anyways, I noticed an old title I had been wanting to try out for a while, this game was Alien vs. Predator 2. The best part about it was that it was only $15, well next to the fun/chaos that ensued after I installed it. The multiplayer is very fun (if not chaotic), and is always very fast paced; I have made 3 rules for choosing a team in AVP2. The first is, If you like decapitating people, or gutting with a spear play as a predator. The second is, If you like climing on walls, decapitating people, and biting heads off play as an alien. The third, if you like getting the living shit scared out of you, while the ominous blips of the motion tracker only give you an advanced warning of death, then play as a human (Corporates, and Marines). The Single player portion is great fun, but is much too short. There are some very memorable moments, such as decapitating your foes as the predator with the fork rifle, which sticks thier severed head to the nearest surface, which you can then retrieve to reuse your ammo! In the end, AVP is a bloody gory game that isn't afraid to burst out of your air vent, and bite your head off.
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