Originally posted by Happy lil' Elf
Tough shit. It's not your thread. These are not your forums. If you want only positive feedback, don't ask people what they think as someone will, inevitably, have a negative opinion. If you had some forums set up called Squeeky's Playhouse you could simply ban people who didn't post what you wanted them to. However since you're posting this on PSU you're going to have to deal with what people have to say, especially when you ask them what they think. Sorry to come off like an ass but people asking the opinions of others and then trying to limit what said people may respond with is a pet peeve as is people thinking they own threads.
That said, a scooter would have been neat when I was a kid but I think for that price you're probably gonna get burned If anything I'd consider saving up and either trying to find a used one you can inspect/have checked out before you pay for it or a new one altogether.
You had to of seen this coming, Squeeky. Anyway, whoever said PS was worth more than $50 bucks is a moron. In fact, check how much PS is going for on ebay - bout 12 bucks.