What is the hardest continent to capture?
Personally I think its cyssor. Lately that seems to be the new place to be, and they keep messing with the lattice. First it was Wele-Chulu, then no east -west connection, and now Aja-Chuku. This continent is so huge and spread out, that it makes it easy for a third empire to gain entry,waaaayyy away from the main battle and get a decent foothold. Frankly, I'm sick of fighting there, and I'm especially sick of Honsi. I despise Honsi.
Ceryshen is always a bitch, but capping it seems to be easier, since its usaully a 1 on 1 fight. Searhus is more annoying than difficult. Solsar and Forseral and Oshur seem to go by pretty quick. While Hossin, Esamir and Ishundar are mid-range in challenge. amerish can go either way.