Expansion Pack talk/debate/concerns
Ok im starting this thread so we can talk about the expansion pack that is either Myth or reality. Im not sure either way, but im just going to say some concerns that i have. First of all a expansion pack is a somewhat good idea, it will give us more wepons/vech's and other stuff. But is everyone going to get the expansion pack? If not then what happens to the people that dont expand? Are there going to be 2x the servers? One for the expanded pack players and one for the non expanded pack players. If that happens then their will be a raise in the money we have to pay each month. Most likely it will be double what we are paying now sence it will be 2x the servers. This Thread may be all for nonthing and i may be getting worried over nothing but i just think it needs to be brought to light. Please voice what you think on this