Why is it that piss poor parents seek to find an outlet to lay blame upon when their parenting skills fall short, and their maladjusted child has poor social skills?
First off here is the subject of my rant:
Mothers Against Vidioegame Addiction and Violence.
First off I have been playing video games for about 24 years since my parents brought home an Atari 2600 when I was 5, and I am a well adjusted adult with a good job, and a fine life.
Acording to their site I should be a homicidal woman beater because of the games that I have played. To them I say this:
Did you ever stop to think that little Jhonny might lack in social skills, because you home school him? How about because your not involved in his life at all so he has no one to drive him to little league? Did you concider that it's you that have neglected your children, and the only Social skills they have developed are the friends they have online?
How can you say that "Clans" breed sexist, and rasist behavior? The internet is facelss, and quite often I find myself friends with people that I may not have taken the time to get to know had I met them face to face.
The bottom line is that you are failing as a parent, and are not adult enough to accept blame for your own short comings. It's no wonder you kids have issues. Stay out of my life, and quit trying to pass the blame for your failures on to my Hobbies.