I'm at the moment an avid online gamer and am thinkin about gettin planetside but i want to know if my system is up to it
I've got a AMD athlon XP 2500
MSI Nforce2 motherbaord
MSI Geforce FX5600 256mb ram
512 ram
with an soon to be ISDN connection (BT being the idiots they are dont want to let me have broadband
thats the price u play living in the glourius countryside sigh) so my connection will be 128kps
i've got the guts for the game in my system but i want to know if i'm gonna be playged by LAG problems which i dipise
also after doin alot of research into this game as it intreagues me if i do gettin i reckon i'd be a vanu galaxy pilot is this wise or suicide