Well, it was bound to happen...
I got a very interesting bug happen to me, which in any case, is very hard to reproduce outside of a test laboratory.
It concerns Grief points and it got me up to 1000+ grief point in a matter of a few minutes, and now, 'Cause of that, i won't be able to play for a last 3 days, waiting for the grief points to go down.
here it is:
I was driving a MagRider and i aimed (and ramed) a TR MAX unit (can't tell which kind). At the exact moment i rammed him, i was also shooting with the driver's pulse cannon, and a 'lag' pop-up window appeared saying there was a connection problem. At the exact same time, i was hitting a friendly player who was fighting with the MAX at the time. This of course should've caused around 10-20 damage/grief. But instead, as the lag was occuring, the damage/grief kept going up until it hit around 415 damage points/grief (which is impossible to do on a single person).
The lag lasted for around 3-4 seconds.
Of course, due to my very high 250 grief point i was carring from a previous fight + the current fight for Gunuku (where else) got me up to 780ish Griefpoints in a matter of seconds. It wasn't long before i busted the magic number.
Normally, i wouldn't complain about it, because ramming people with a Mag is not necessary rocket science and sometimes, there casualties. Also, with the use of the Thumper with PLasma... it doesn't help either (if not everyone was so into 'getting the kill' by rushing...). anyways.
While i was in the 1000+ world of grief points, i also got to notice that by having our weapon locked (cannot shoot), it is impossible for the player to perform 'good' deeds as well. I couldn't heal myself or others, nor repair.
I understand the Grief point is especially designed for TKers, but what about accidents - This Is a BattleField - and people who can still be in the fight - In Their Squad - by healing and repairing technicals and Body armor?
well thats it. Now i can't play a game i pay for montly because of a very nice bug. damnit.