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Old 2003-09-06, 07:52 AM   [Ignore Me] #27

Originally posted by Queensidecastle
What a ridiculous and stupid idea. Why cant people understand that monthly fees do not mean free expansions. Free content will always trickle out, such as the lib and skyguard, and it may always suck. If you are an adult that actually has a job, you would understand the simple economics that shit aint free and those devs work hard and expect to make money to pay the bills. If you think the profits from the monthly fee arent immediatly redirected back into the business, then you are extremely naive
Hello, your a tool.

Much like the screwdrivers in my tool box you do a job without complaint or more importantly, thought. The sad thing however is that my screwdriver serves me, you are a bought and paid for plow of corporate america. If you have ANY doubt that Sony and more speficly their SOE division has a pretty safe profit margin built into your monthly fee I suggest you find their corporate profile online, I will get you the link later. Furthermore you confuse economics "that shit aint free" while ignoring one of the basic pretenses "the cost paid will be what the market can bear". To you and your ilk I say the following.

Please do not disparage a peacefull grass roots movement in the player/consumer base. Not only does it make you look ignorant, It also seems to make you sound like a communist. You will be issued the game and it's features exactly according to your needs.

You cite the somewhat rough releases of other MMORPGS to date. I will grant that Planetside went fairly smooth, however when did we just accept buggy releases at the base line, what is wrong with players demanding that higher standard. It's cliche' "but if cars followed the same development process as software........they whould blow up once a year randomly killing everyone inside" and people whould be ok with that. Traditionaly in a MMORPG there is a lot more "content" in the game, mobs quests etc. I'm not saying that the ammount of content is bad or wrong, however it is not uncommon for people for free to release mods for games, especialy first person shooters. So in a game that all the gameplay is provided by other players, is it too much to ask that the game maker, who I pay a monthly stipend to, to provide more "toys" for "free".

It is a misnomer to think of the petition as requesting these items be provided "free" when in truth we've already paid for the core that everything else is laid upon and continue to pay for further development.
The courageous man needs needs no weapons. The practical man wants them all. The ambitious man has plans for the practical one.


Lord give me strength of arm, will, mind, and the accuracy of shooting to preserve them all.
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