Even more than implants, I come up with ideas for new vehicles all the dang time. Post any thoughts on your own and constructive criticism here.
Idea 1: Abducter Dropship. Basically a modified Galaxy. Same size, speed, etc, however it holds the pilot, 3 gunners and a vehicle. Now here's the big difference. Tractor Beams. Here's how it works, everybody who wishes to get on board the dropship has to have a little device in one of their pistol slots to contact the dropship. It shows a list of all dropships in range and they choose which one they want to hail. The pilot of the ship recieves a little popup box to decide weather or not they want to let them on board. If they select yes, they get beamed onbaord the ship. This only works if the ship is stationary and higher up (bombing height). The secondary function is the tractor beam for vehicles. It ONLY works on unattended, stationary vehicles. If the reticule stays on the vehicle for say, 10 seconds and nobody moves it away, the vehicle is pulled onboard. There should be a large visible graphic for the tractor beam (colored light). The ship must also be considerably lower for the vehicle tractor beam.
This would be virtually useless for battles. Too slow and vulnerable, not enough carrying capacity. It would be GREAT for ANT runs and in-and-out hacking missions.
Armageddon Bomber: Another modified Galaxy, this ship is designed to be a heavy bomber. It has a pilot, 3 gunners and 2 bombadiers with a payload of bombs 3x the size of the liberator's. Basically each bombadier gets a payload equal to 1.5 that of the Liberator. Also, bombs must be dropped from a considerably higher altitude than the Liberator.
*signature eaten by feral snails*