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Old 2003-10-15, 12:41 PM   [Ignore Me] #1
First Sergeant
Question General PS questions before I buy

I understand the basics and I have read the info loacted on this site. However there are some questions that I have before I buy and play the game. Note: I do plan to DL the 7 day trial first and on that thought...

Does the 7 day trial allow me to register my account and then start the billing after the trial ends or do I have to purchase the game?

What are the benifits to each server, besides local and timezones? (Pop of each clan, mature and fair players, active Admins or devs, ect...)

Can VS hovertanks go over water?

Can any other tanks go over water?

How is server stability?

Is the infil suit still buggy? (Ive read of issues with people seeing you as you cloak and snipers picking you out at long ranges)

Does the game tutorial work?

Does flying have joystick support and do they handle like aircraft or boats?

Is the game rather balanced?

Does the game force teamwork? (Does a well planned assault beat a zerg attack)

Is 512 megs of ram enough to run PS? (DDR 3700 one sticK)

How many charactors am I allowed to have per erver?

Does the game have a steep learning curve?

Is there a third and first person view toggle?

Im sure I will think of more.
_-Gunslinger-_ is offline  
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