It would be nice to see Reavers get an upgrade on their radar, which allows them to track airial opponents.
It would also be nice to see an alternate payload for Reavers, which would allow them to carry about 6 to 8 self-guided air to air and air to ground missiles, just like MAX suites and Infantry. Seems unfair that Reavers have to get so close to targets to assure that half their rockets hit their target, but half the time don't kill it, so you have to bug out and make another pass, meanwhile 1 or 2 MAX suites are throwing up self-guided AA like theirs no tomorrow and before you know it, you're either half dead or just plain dead.
FOIL would be nice for all aircraft as well, so one could make a pass over a base or enemy build up, and not get shot down imediately.
This is supposed to be the future and machines are much better...modern day aircraft have a much better chance of survival than planetsides futuristic aircraft.
The altitude meter could be a little bigger as well...on lighter backgrounds its hard to read.