Exploit or just they way the world works?
So there I am, driving my skyguard around when across the radio, "This is Bravo one we have 2 enemies atthe tower, one has missiles on me.". I respond, "Roger, Bravo 2 is on the way."
When I get there I have one enemy softy on foot, I park the skyguard at the tower, get out and pull out my trusty punisher. I immediately locate the guy, he's NC. I swicth to plasma and open up, the grenade goes off harmlessly, I switch back to machine gun and lay down a few rounds, turn and run for the gun turret, The NC is pumping rounds into me at range but getting closer. I jump into the turret and swing it around in machine gun mode and open up. The NC is to close, right against my 'guard. His jackhammer is pounding at my hull, I switch to flak mode and unload. The flak explodes behind him, eventually the collateral damage kills him just before the 'guard explodes.
I get a tell from him a few moments later. "Nice bug, good use of the exploit though."
I respond, "what is he talking about? flak explodes and causes splash damage" He goes on to say nope and the TR Burster Max uses the same ammo no vehicle can damage soldiers right against them.
So my question to you people is, should the flak from my skyguard have been able to have killed him?
Platoon Leader,
Keltic Council, Johari