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Old 2003-10-24, 02:43 PM   [Ignore Me] #1
Mrs. Hamma
Jennyboo's Avatar
Talking WOoohoo!

Ok Here's my story ,

I recived my acceptance letter from my second choice college .. after a few day i wondered "hey why haven't i recived my letter from my first choice college" So i gave them a call when the lady informs me that they never received my application i was like "WTF!!??" So i did what any person would do i called OCAS (Ontario College Application services) in which the lady informs me that indeed my application was sent out july 10 .I thought about it for a long time and came to the conclusion that indeed if my application had not been sent out that my second choice college as well would not have recieved my application. It became clear that the problem did not lie with OCAS ut with my first choice college. The next day i called up my first choice college and explain to them that i had talk to OCAS and that they had sent the application this date: July 10.. then i proceeded to say " I don't know what's going on over there but i have the strong feeling someone messed up and i will no be penilized (sorry if i spelled that wrong) i deserve a equal chance for acceptance . I will not be pushed aside for someone elses mistake". AT this point i'm talking to the head of Admissions in which she informs me : that they did not receive my application but had recieved my transcript and OCAS number . She herself was quite unsure what had happened but she assured me one thing " I'm not quite sure what went on , but one thing i know you are eligible for acceptance..you are accepted and your letter will be in the mail next week ". So as you can see i diden't role over and let this big mistake mess up my chance of getting into the college of my choice. I refused to give up and here i am a student of Algonquin College.

Just letting everyone know i'm in and pls use my story as and example don't give up ..don't role over ..fight! and in the end all your bitching will pay off :P <3 Jennyboo

quote:Three rings for the Elven- Kings under the sky,
seven for the dwarf-lords in their halls of stone,
Nine for mortal men doomed to die,
One of dark lord on his throne
In the land of Mordor where shadowns lie.
One Ring to rule them all, One ring to find them,
One ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them
In the land of mordor where shadowns lie.-JRR Tokien <3 all
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