An overall productive weekend...
Heh... and now its over (damn school)...
So anyway this had to be one of the better weekends of my life...
Friday: Sophmore Dance at school... high guys and drunk girls cant go wrong there... Who ever would've thought that Catholic school girls are so easy. its mostly a blur tho... All I remember was somethin about drugs, vodka, and waking up in the middle of the night in the back of my best friends car with a naked girl.
Saturday: we went to the 'mall', going to the mall where I come from means you go to New Jersey, get drunk, screw a girl, and end up on a ferry across the river at 3 in the morning hoping you dont fall off. Pot+Absolut+Orgy with more esay Catholic High School Girls... the life of a king... cept for when I woke up laying naked on my best friends lap (which I don't care to elaborate on).
Sunday: In and out of drug induced coma, more absolut, a lecture from a budhist priest, and the ever dreaded lack of muscle sensation... all good none the less.
And finally today: Late for school by 3 periods,a lecture from my principal, 10 demerits, all the stuff to ruin the perfect South Philly Weekend...
So how was your weekend...