A few newbie questions...
I'm a brand new player to the game. I love it so far and bought the game and expansion after playing the 7 day free demo last week. I have a few beginner questions.
What is the best way to recruit players into your squad? The stand next to someone and press �G� and then do a menu select method is just not practical in most cases and neither is typing �/invite player name� one at a time. This is especially true when there is activity in the area. Is there a more efficient way to invite people into your squad? If not would a brief local recruiting message be appropriate etiquette or would that be hated spam?
Once I have my squad going how do you identify players as squad leaders so you know who to invite to form up a new platoon?
Finally, does anyone know of a good resource for brand new players? I�m curious about several other things such as game play guides and advice on gaining battle and command experience points and what are good certification and or implant combinations.
Any advice or help would be appreciated! Thanks in advance for your time!
Johari Terran Republic BR 6