Lemme get this strait before i go in game....
I dont have CC yet, nor have i played PS since the middle of this month because I was grounded. And just last night somewhere at 5 the game finished updating (i got 56k) and my mom turned off the computer.
Now I played in training and noticed most of the new things because of CC (Geo Warps and the new map thing). Now I kow that I can't go into the caverns but i can run through the gate and dance in te middle. Now if i go online, i bet the modules, vehicles, and weapons will be in play.
Heres the base of my question(s), will i be able to physicaly use them, get killed by them? As in the shield thing that blocks vehicles, will i not be able to drive through it? Would the other modules also effect me is some way? And I bet i couldn't drive the new vehicles, but could i gun in one? And the new weapons, could i pick one up and use it?
Yep, being grounded makes me old, i need to know wts is going on when i get on.