I am posting this on both the OF and at PSU, for Maximum discussion.
Ok so here is the deal. I got a ScreenWriter's Workshop I signed up for in two weeks or so, and I want to bring some sort of partially finished Script to it, for the professionals to analyze and tell me what I do right, and what I do wrong, etc.
So I have resolved to write my FIRST-EVER Movie Script. I am going to make a Film Adaptation of Planetside. I've NEVER written, nor tried to write a script before, so this is gonna be an experience for sure(most of my writings are short stories based on Video games). But I am doing this, to test my writing chops, and see if I got what it takes to be a professional screenwriter. for the record, I am NOT going to try and sell this script(unless SOE likes it, and gives me permission). This is SOLELY a 'let's see what I can do' project.
I am going to begin work on the Plot for the Script later this afternoon, but I can share a few tidbits of info you guys might find interesting, such as the Basic plot, and some things I am going to change and/or Omit from the Script(that are in the game), and my reasoning behind it. That is if you are interested in discussing it.
and Please, no flames, bug/performance complaints, or laughing at me
. This is a serious idea, that I have been thinking about for a while, and putting off(because I always thought I could never do it, but what the hell. might as well try).
I am posting this now, so that I can get feedback from the Devs, and Players about my ideas for the Plot, that way I can start on a good note, with ideas as to what Players and Devs would agree with, if they went to see such a movie, and what they'd murder me for.
so I am posting this, then I will collect some thoughts briefly, and then post them in this thread, for discussion.
I expect to have at least a complete Plot (from Movie Start to Movie End) finished by tomorrow night at the latest. then I will post it for you to enjoy(or tear apart) before I begin working on the First Draft of the actual Script.
thank you for your consideration, please, no flames.