unorganized unclear teachers! One day before a book test for One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest she decides to throw a test at us. She completely ignores the fact that we also have 2 other tests the exact same day that we luckily were given a 4 days heads up on so we could study. Now my English teachers test requries us to read 50 pages to finish the book. We won't even have been able to discuss the end!!! Now the 50 pages are alright cuz I paid lots of attention while I read and stuff but now she thinks its even better to throw 70 Vocab words in as well. The worst part is though is she didn't even tell us the test was gonna be tommorow! She finds some kids that are in my class and tells them the test is tommorow near the end of the day and tells them and she expects them to tell everyone else! I went to get this comfirmed and she said the test was tommorow!
I don't mind hard teachers, I don't mind cruel, and slave driving teachers because they are usually organized enough to let me know what the hell is going on!
Take what you can! Give nothing back!