Did anyone see "Average Joe?" - PlanetSide Universe
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Old 2003-11-03, 11:33 PM   [Ignore Me] #1
Did anyone see "Average Joe?"

Firstly I gota preface this by saying I have NEVER enjoyed ANY reality TV... RealWorld, Bachalor, Survivor, none of them...

But today I was setting up my network DVR machine, and I needed something to test record, and "Average Joe" was the first program on the list, so I recorded that.

And I watched it afterwards, and was quite entertained! Basically it is a show where an amazingly beautiful women (Dallas Cowboy, model, etc) said she prefered personality over looks, so they got a bunch of guys ranging from total dorks to average guys... There was a 7' tall, 400lb guy there, there was a 40 year old balding guy, there was the stereotypical "bully" guy, the stereotypical bookworm, etc...

And of course afterwards she was eating her words and saying it was in fact a mistake to say "personality over looks." (But I would guess if she said looks over personality the producers would have just found some IQ10 fabio-looking guys... I picture them giving her a charle horse, and the whole bunch of guys cracking up about her writhing in pain...)

But they showed previews for the episodes to come... And quite a few of the guys get long kisses with her...

So it got me thinking... It is most likely all acting I would assume... So how does her contract work? Does it basically say she can not exclude people just on looks? Does she have to make out with at least five guys? Etc...

Anyone else see this show? What did you think?

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