Info on paintballing please
Yeah i've recently discovered that i have a lot of free time when I'm not either A. gokarting, B. doing stuff with friends, C. at improv class orD. doing homework/going to physical therapy. Most of this time is spent playing planetside or whoring PSU. So I was thinking about getting a new hobby mainly paintball since my best friend really likes it and alot of kids at my school do it too. I've been once with my church group, but i got a few questions for all the paintball buffs, answers would be appreciated.
A. I remember when i went 2 or 3 years ago that it hurt pretty bad when i got hit. My friend told me it was because the rental guns have no holes for the Co2 to go out of. He said it hurts less when you use a good gun. How much does it hurt in comparison? ( i dont want to have huge welts all over)
B. What's the average cost to get started and the cost to maintain supplies (paint and co2)
C. Are there a lot of teams to be joined and tournaments to participate in usually?
That's it for now if you wanna post additional info, that would be appreciated as well. Thanks in advance