Humans have to have violence. It's part of our tribal nature that urges us to become dominant. Look at ancient Rome, they had centuries of piece among themselves because if they were haveing a bad day, or got in a fight with the wife, they could go to the gladiator games and see some heads chopped off.
The equivelent of modern day colloseum fights are boxing and "profesional" wrestleing. Its fun to cheer for someone geting their ass handed to them.
However, modern civilization detests violence among people(terrorists are not part of modern civilization), even a fist-fight among men. People have to find outlets for this aggresion. Some yell, some beat their kids/wife. Others pick up a gun and start shooting people. Some try to make themselves look big and bad on a forum board.
The offical boards are filled with unobservant, foolish little morons that think that all caps helps their possition. I avoid those boards now, because the last 2 threads I read lead me to uncontroled flameing, and thats not what I'm trying to acomplish.
Some say power corrupts, I say the corrupt seek power.