Six Nipples (self-explanitory) - PlanetSide Universe
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Old 2003-11-23, 01:23 AM   [Ignore Me] #1
Major General
Arrow Six Nipples (self-explanitory)

Found this on IRC its great

<Ivan> Some random girl was IQCing me... So i started to mess with her...
<Ivan> [00:05] 249317913: hey.............
<Ivan> [00:07] Ivan: If you can't prove to me that you have six nipples I'm not talking to you.
<Ivan> [00:07] 249317913: uh, oh... i got a big problem then!
<Ivan> [00:08] 249317913: will 2 work?!?!?
<Ivan> [00:08] Ivan: nope sorry
<Ivan> [00:08] Ivan: must have 6
<Ivan> [00:09] 249317913: alright.................
*** Ivan has been kicked off channel #ps-universe by Phobos (flood)
<Ivan> [00:13] 249317913: u r an asshole
<Ivan> [00:13] Ivan: Why's thta?
<Ivan> [00:15] 249317913: um... let me think... cause u cant possibly find someone with 6 nipples
<Ivan> [00:15] Ivan: Oh so you're saying that you get the joke now?
<Ivan> [00:16] 249317913: i knew it was a joke from the beginning and i joked back with u
<Ivan> [00:18] Ivan: The joke is since no one has six nipples I don't want to talk to anyone.
<Ivan> [00:21] Ivan: I have a love for animals that's almsost.....illegal.
<Ivan> [00:25] 249317913: you have totally lost me... holla
<Ivan> [00:26] Ivan: Women: You can't live with them, and you can't get them to dress up in a skimpy little Nazi costume and beat you with a warm squash or something...
<Ivan> [00:27] 249317913: whatever.... u know men shouldnt talk that shit bout women cause u know like hell that u cant live without them..................
<Ivan> [00:29] Ivan: Yes we can. All we need are a few sheep. And best of all they have 6 nipples.
<Ivan> [00:29] 249317913: what tha fuck bout u and your 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 nipples???????????????????
<Ivan> [00:30] Ivan: Hey you should consider yourself lucky. I don't usely talk to anyone with out 6 nipples.
<Ivan> [00:31] 249317913: well, what tha hell.... u thinking i should feel lucky 4 talking 2 u?????????
<Ivan> [00:31] Ivan: Of course.
<Ivan> [00:32] 249317913: well i dont.... i get no pleasure in talking 2 u, u little asshole
<Ivan> [00:32] Ivan: I love you.
<Ivan> [00:32] Ivan: I want you to have my children.
<Ivan> [00:33] 249317913: what tha HELL r u talking bout now????????
<Ivan> u done lost me again
<Ivan> [00:33] Ivan: That wasn't hard.
<Ivan> [00:34] 249317913: u done LOST your FUCKING mind!!!!!!!!!
<Ivan> [00:34] Ivan: Well that's want you find when you message random people on the webbernet
<Ivan> [00:35] Ivan: I cut holes in my pockets to masturbate in public
<Ivan> [00:35] 249317913: oh god... i'm talking 2 a pervert!
<Ivan> [00:36] Ivan: You just now came to that conclusion?
<Ivan> [00:36] 249317913: uh yeah
<Ivan> [00:37] Ivan: My favorite drink is KFC gravy.
<Ivan> [00:37] 249317913: where u from?
<Ivan> [00:38] Ivan: I came form the deepest part of a mental person's mind.
<Ivan> [00:38] 249317913: could not have fooled me!
<Ivan> [00:39] Ivan: Strangers have the best candy.
<Ivan> [00:39] 249317913: why u gonna refuse my contact?
<Ivan> [00:40] Ivan: Cause you don't have six nipples. At least you haven't proved it eather way yet.

Last edited by Biohazzard56; 2003-11-23 at 01:31 AM.
Biohazzard56 is offline  
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