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Old 2003-11-26, 12:21 AM   [Ignore Me] #1
First Lieutenant
Pilgrim's Avatar
The New Battlestar Galactica

Just got back from a press screening of the first 2 hours of the new mini series.

Gotta say it's not that bad. Here's a bit about the Characters.

The chick Cylon is HOT and very good at being bad
The robo cylons that you see are bad ass (but you don't get to see enough of them!)
Starbuck is dead on... seriously Dirk Benedict with tits.
Apolo is a whiney bitch and I wish he'd die... but you really see him nut up as his balls drop in the middle of the eppisode.
Boomer is ok... not great, but haven't seen enough of her to really call it
Adoma (edward James Olmos) is pretty good. He plays pissed or emotionaly distant most of the time and it works pretty well.
Tak (the XO) is really good. Probably the best Character so far.
Baltar is wonderfully self centered and evil... gotta love him!

As to the story... well... they make a few of the basic mistakes that you see on tv movies... primarily they are trying to give the characters too much angst up front. Isn't the fact that their homes are getting wipped out enough? But all in all this will potentialy work out if they make it a weekly show. The shop design is awesome. Still paying hommage to the old show while taking it to a logical next step. The cylons finally have figured out that they're robots, they don't have to pilot the ships, they can build the ships to pilot themselves.

There are some really interesting technology things going on that I won't go into detail here about.

But in a theatre with about 100 people I heard no loud vocal complaints (other then until things start dieing it's kinda borring) and the 5 people I was with all enjoyed it.

So as a recomendation I say watch it when it's on in a week (a week from monday to be exact) You may be surprised. They pay hommage, and don't soil the orriginal show, while telling a new and unique story.


The only real test of Courage is the last!
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