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View Poll Results: Which pwns?
FPS>RPG 16 69.57%
RPG>FPS 7 30.43%
Voters: 23. You may not vote on this poll

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Old 2003-11-27, 05:24 AM   [Ignore Me] #1
Master Sergeant
keaoi's Avatar
Genre Poll

I'm a HUGE fan of FFO. And when people who've played it for 15 minutes or not at all start a bash fest on it, naturally, it got me wondering.

Why are some gamers completely intolerant of a genre that doesnt fit their "playstyle".

FPS games, though fun, are overly simple and repetitive. Only when you can modify the orginal design (Half-Life -> CounterStrike) do these games survive.

RPGs on the other hand, require much more patience (not in the sit in a empty base way, but a dedication way) than other games. I understand that in RPGs you cant simply aim, click mouse1, and pray, but they are not any less fun.

And character development isnt a simple, "Ok, I've leveled up, what new toy do I get?", but more of a progression of yourself (Dungeon Siege is the best example of this).

Im not saying one is better than the other, that is for the individual to decide (I love when they mix, Deus Ex style), and thats why this is a poll. Vote for your genre!

And as for the flamers to this post, I love FPS (Doom3 = preordered) as much as the next guy, but none are very "in-depth" story-wise (minus System Shock and Deus Ex). Try FF7 for PS1 and youll have a greater understanding of RPGs.

Here is a quote straight from PSU itself, "PSU: Where playing Dungeons and Dragons isn't frowned upon."
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