How will PS run on this system?
Hey everyone.. I bought PS, and while it is an amazing game (Well, what I've been able to play of it), my computer just cannot handle it. Right now im running on a P3 1ghz, 256mb ram, with an old geforce3. It works well for most games, but the computer is just getting old, and it cant handle alot of the new stuff that is coming out. I planned on buying a new computer anyways, the only problem is, I'm on a fairly tight budget, being in college and all, so I cant really splurge 1500 bucks for a computer.
Im putting together a system myself, Ill be able to get all this for around 650, which is right where I want to be. I dont think I want to go much higher than that. I dont need a monitor, keyboard, speakers, so that stuff saves me some cash. Anyways, here's what im looking at.. tell me how you think PS would run on such a system.
AMD Athlon XP Barton 2500+ (The 2500 overclocked is faster than the 2800+ and about 50 bucks cheaper).
Abit NF7-S Motherboard
512 MB PC3200 RAM (Will upgrade to 1Gig later)
Sapphire ATI Radeon 9600XT
I dont think the hard drive and other drives really matter so I didnt mention them. That's the core stuff that's important for gaming. If anyone has a comparable system, please tell me how it runs PS. On the system I'm using right now, it's just lag lag lag lockup and die, so hopefully I'll have better luck with a new system.