I am going to bite the bullet on this one here...
Take African Americans... Too many come from poor inner cities and single parent homes. Too many are barely given a 6th grade education... and too many of them get jobs, collage scoalerships and the what not, to help them out (If I could find the DMANED link I would, that shows that a large portion of minorites as a whole that get those AA "perks" fail collage and or fail in the real world because they were given such a poor start in life)
What do the Democrats, champions of the minorites do to solve this? More AA and more money to "help" these kids... What do Repulicans want to do? Give them vouchers so they can get REAL education as kids and REALLY make a difference...
Here is my big issue on all of this, The real answer lies not in giving them "Perks" IMHO that is saying "You cant succeed without help, you arent good enough." That is demeaning, wrong and bigoted. I believe fully in "Here are the tools, take them and make a life for yourself, you don't need help, you can do it, just take the ball and run with it" Sadly, that is considered racist while the liberal view is considered PC good! WTF?
BTW Racism is evil, wrong and has no place in this world, anyone that believes in that crap.. dshould be shot.
Back from the internet!