So, I pulled out 1942 and downloaded the DC 6 mod. I go on and play in an airplane. I'm flying around and start attacking a helicopter. I proceed to blast the shit out of it. He doesn't go down. I'm confused as all hell, thinking maybe that it had really good armor. Round ends and I go on to the other team to check out the armor of the heli in question. No great armor so I go onto an airplane and proceed to beat the shit out of the same guy again. HE doesn't go down.
I send in allchat asking him how he could still be alive. By now he has about 10 kills and not one death. I start yelling at him for his excessive cheating. Nobody else supported me. He never had to reload or anything.
Went to another server and the same thing happened. Nobody else started to complain. WHAT THE FUCK? Why do these asshole cheaters ruin the games? It only served to make me see how the little cheating in PS and AA is a welcome sight.
To sum: TO ALL YOU CHEATERS - YOU SUCK THE BIG ONE AND RUIN THE GAMES FOR EVERYONE ELSE. and to everyone who doesn't complain about the cheaters - F-U too.
Rant off. BTW, after my O F N rant and this one I must seem like a big whiny little bitch