Originally Posted by Gryphon
They the developers. They have mentioned it multiple times, there is no single link, it's all from memory and putting devs responses together. They don't want there to be an increased BR because they want people to have diverse certs and if they increased BR then people could just have every cert.
This is really the only drawback that I think the game has. I can honestly see no logical reasoning for capping br/cr. The fact is, even if you had every single cert in the game, you can't use them all at once. Having more certs does not make you a more effective killer than someone with less certs (implants can though). If they really want to see an increase in use of the less-used vehicles, then they should increase br. And as more people get cr5, the more chaotic it gets. I think cr levels should go much higher, and the chat/global priveleges changed accordingly. The game is going to get boring for people who are br20/cr5 unless they add something else to attain.