Long live the Conglomerate!
What happened today on werner proves more then anything that nobody, and I mean nobody, can beat the NC. I'm not sure exactly how it happened but the VS and TR had allied against us. when I logged on at around 4:30 GMT I saw each of them had it's home conts locked and searhus had just a few squads of each running around. probably the newbies who didn't know or care about the alliance. on hossin the VS had a full size zerg, the TR did the same on solsar and cyssor. solsar was even more proof of this. the vanu LEFT solsar leaving it the the TR who only then started to attack the vanu bases. they waited for us NC to try to capture them. we had little chance as all 3 had over 100 spots free all this time.
when we had no choice, we all turned as one to cyssor, and as primetime was comming up (it was 5-6pm GMT, parts of europe it's 7-8) we all headed for cyssor. the TR were waiting for us, and it took a zerg that pop locked the cont over 30 minutes to cap the first base's tower. from there the tides changed. we advanced on all three continents, destroying everyone who tried to stop us, and that's a whole lot of people. around 15 minutes ago we finished the job of locking hossin as well, and solsar had the last 3 bases hacked with spawns down, and a TR tower that was being overun.
some of you may say they started to fight each other. think again. I checked the map and although at some point it seemed like it, the moment the few VS on searhus finisged capping an empty cont, there was no sign of fighting on any of the other 7 continents.
it really is sad that the TR and VS are such inadequate fighters they not only have to allie to defeat us, but they also need to do it before primetime because in primetime they still lose.
let this be a lesson to you all. nobody can defeat a man who is fighting for a worthy cause! LONG LIVE THE CONGLOMERATE! FREEDOM OVER OPPRESION!