Fun Political Thread.. the Are you a Left wing, or Right wing person! - PlanetSide Universe
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Old 2003-01-18, 12:19 AM   [Ignore Me] #1
Major General
MrVicchio's Avatar
Fun Political Thread.. the Are you a Left wing, or Right wing person!

Okay, the Left/Right Political test:

Read each question, then answer it.. 1 or 2. Add up the numebrs of all your answers to get the results.. Dont read the end till you are done!

1. In reguard to tax cuts; A tax cut means that:

1: The Government ALLOWED me to have more money

2: I keep more of MY money

2. Barbara Striesand is an intelligent person in reguards to the direction this country should go.

1: Yes

2: No

3. Diversity is a primary concern when picking collage students.

1: Yes

2: No

4. The media has a:

1: Right Wing Bias

2: Left Wing Bias

5. America is Hypocritical in sending weapons inspectors around the world looking for WMD when in fact, the greatest concentration exsists right here in the USA!

1: Yes

2: No

6. Guns should only be owned by a government, people have no need or use to privatly own one.

1: Yes

2: No

7. MLK Day should be renamed Civil Rights Day in honor of ALL the people that helped change the Country:

1: No

2: Yes

8. The greatest threat to world peace is the USA.

1: Yes

2: No

9. The UN has the sole Morale right to decide when and where military force is used in the world.

1: Yes

2: No

10. Pray at a High School Football game is demeaning and insensitve to some people thus should be banned.

1: Yes

2: No

11. Bi-Lingual Education is a good and benificial thing for immigrant children trying to learn in our schools.

1: yes

2: no

12. One Day, the world will be a united planet, its time to end National Soverignty:

1: Yes

2: No


If your score is 12.. You and Babs would be best of friends

13-15 You really Wish Al Gore had been allowed to be President as was his right.

16-18 You are center of the road

19-23 Your views are closer to that of Dubya.

24 You are a card Carrying member of the RNC

There ya, go a FUN Political Thread!

BTW my score was a 24
Back from the internet!
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