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Old 2004-01-16, 08:44 AM   [Ignore Me] #1
Lieutenant Colonel
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Tank Armor

This is not another empire balance whine, but I think it's valid.

Why does the MagRider (once the best tank, now second-best) have little over 3,000 armor while the Vanguard has around 6,000?

The armor values for tanks should be Mag = 4,000 Prowler = 4,500 Van = 5,000. Other tank tweaks would also be appropriate, but I'm not feeling ambitious this morning.

Van is just plain too heavily armored. The Van's popularity speaks for itself, and it's not because NC are an instinctively superior race. Van crews can make blatant tactical errors and live to tell the tale. No such luck for other tank crews. Life is short and brutal for them.

Also, a single man can use a Vanguard like a Flail. He can shoot the 150mm and 20mm to keep any target at bay. A Prowler gunner can't do anything of the sort. Mag gunners can, but their utterly low armor precludes such activity.

Anyhow, I think Van is too armored, and is a big reason why NC owns the game right now.

No flames, I'm not trying to insult anyone. This is just my opinion.
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