Asthetic changes I'd like to see - PlanetSide Universe
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Old 2004-01-19, 01:56 AM   [Ignore Me] #29
Lieutenant Colonel
UncleDynamite's Avatar

Originally Posted by Acaila
On the topic of naked women, perhaps a mermaid comes and checks out your body if you drown in deep enough water, that would be worth not respawning for. All complete with 3D sound effects.
Since when did asthetics involve porn? Meh, I can live with the mermaids, though. It would give me some condolance after my shot-down Reaver plummets into the waters.

Anyway, asthetic changes? Well, flags fluttering from the tops of bases would be pretty neat. Better yet, when the implement OBO, the flag should change to the decal of the outfit for that added touch.

This would be a gameplay/asthetic change, but heavy machine guns permanently mounted on railings and the barrers in courtyards would be pretty sweet. Make them have a limited firing radius, though (don't want attackers to use them against the defenders!).

Finally, some more weather would be a nice asthetic change. I know that it slows down the game and alll, but it would be great if a solution was made to bring more weather back. Rainy battles are very, very cool.

That's all. Oh, the occasional rogue asteriod smacking into the NC Sanc would be a nice asthetic enhancement too. I can just see the smoldering rock cleaving the HART building, tossing bits of blue and gold into the clear sky as the air is peppered with anguished cries and pieces of shattered Vanguards. Ah, how pretty. Unfortunately, the NC are people too, so I can't really ask for that change.
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