I've been posting less and less lately and it's because college takes alot of my time... I decided to join the military and as a result I ended up at college so that I don't have to do those very courses during my officer courses at another college. Currently taking Philosophy, math, french, english and physics. Once I'm done with the accelerated program I asked for I can go sign up and take my officer class.
On top of the shitload of studies I have and work, I'm working out, eating better (if you call atkins better it's fucking torture I'm stoping in a week anyways if I don't have results) to lose the 20 pounds I gained over the last year sitting on my ass doing nothing... now I'm like 170.... I weight 150 normally cause of muscle mass now I have a beer belly!
Eh well... going to school in less then 30 minutes better get prepared.
Cya all!