My car was in a ditch today... while going to pick my girl up...
Yes, I wiped out. Car was a 50degree angle towards the drivers side. It SUCKED.
I went to Sabbatus Maine, to pick up my Girlfriend, she's a sweet gal and I really am into her, and today we had a chance to hang out, so I went to get her.. but the roads were bad, and some MORON in a Geo-Metro went sideways INTO MY LANE so I dodged him,a nd when I treid to straighten out, my ABS light comes on, and my brakes locked up... right into a ditch on the left side I went.
No damage to my car, no one hurt, Ego tho, is much deflated. A nice guy ina big pickem up truck yanked me out with a chain, I got Jen and brought her home. Let me just say, for the record, SNOW AND ICE SUCK ASS!
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