I have now confirmed with Smokejumper (Dave G) that the next IRC dev chat will take place in channel #planetside on gamesnet January 31st at 5:30pm PST.
Dave will be taking the time to update us on the state of the internal beta test, some of the issues commonly worried about in the forums, and answering questions from the crowd. I can make no promises, but I have also set time aside during the chat especially for any announcements Dave might have to make. No matter what happens I guarantee that by the end of the chat you will know more about PlanetSide than when it started.
This chat will not be a huge information dump like the last one. I have selected a few key questions to ask Dave, but I have decided that the bulk of the questions asked will come from the crowd in the channel. In fact not only will your question get asked, you will get to ask it. "How might I get a chance to do that?" you ask? Well here is the key:
Between now and the date of the chat anyone observed by the op's in channel #planetside actively participating, will get first dibs on being chosen to get thier question asked. I can't guarantee Dave will be able to answer, but you'll get your shot. Is this fair? Maybe, maybe not. A cheap trick to get people into the channel? Probably. We want to make sure though that for a change the active members of the community get rewarded instead of the idlers.
Dave is droping by for one purpose only: To update us, the community, on the state of our favorite game. I hope everyone will turn out to show Dave that his time wasn't wasted. Lets show Dave what the force of the community truely looks like.
To join the chat, point your IRC software to channel #planetside on irc.gamesnet.net. Don't forget.. January 31st at 5:30pm PST (8:30pm EST)