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Old 2004-02-11, 01:09 PM   [Ignore Me] #1
First Lieutenant
Liquidtide's Avatar
My Boss (Warning Rant)

What you need to know before hand.

1. I work for a County Government ('nuff said)
2. My boss is more than likely sleeping with a co-worker (both divorced so ok)
3. I'm the youngest in my position in probably the State

Here we go:

I've been working my first full time job since graduating from grad school for almost 3 years (April 9th). I am the only one in my division (of the department) who has thier Grad Degree in our field. I am persuing my professional licence (which I missed last year by 1 point on the cert exam ) I know how to do my job and I do it well and have had much praise and little negative from the people I deal with day in and out from the public.

This said, my boss dumps constantly on my office mate and I, work that he probably should be doing, and unfortunetly with government work even though it's not exactly in my job description there is that little clause about any work deemed necessary by your superiors, yeah. Now this work isn't non-work related, it's all relevant, BUT I DON'T EVER SEE MY BOSS RAISE HIS F****** PINKY TO DO ANYTHING!!! (ok blood pressure back down) I know some of you may think that because he's the boss there are things he does that I don't see... well his office is two doors down and I see him either 1) looking out the window or 2) standing outside my co-worker's door listening on her conversations on the phone... pretty creapy especially when you pass him and he acts like he just stopped to tie his shoe or think.

Also, and this is what my officemate hates the most, probaby because he's a little closer to their ages than me, that my boss puts he and myself down in front of her to probably make up for some short commings, well he is short and balding but whatever.

He constantly praises me and my officemate about the work we have done and how much work the office has done in the three years we have been here but then the next minute he'll dump on us or belittle us.

I went to the director of the department about a month and a half ago and brought all this up, but little if anything has been done. And in the end it'll just be dumped in my lap anyway...

This frustration is taking it's toll on me and myofficemate to the point where we might walk within the year.

Any suggestions or encouragement? Please? Thanks

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