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Old 2004-02-15, 04:20 AM   [Ignore Me] #1
Major General
Peacemaker's Avatar
Tanks real roll

Any military guy will tell you the same thing about a tank. Easy to kill from the air, they require defence from enemy airial attack. After a little bit of a discussion in IRC I came to the conclusion that all tanks should be nerfed from shooting down aircraft. A tank should NOT be able to shoot down enemy aircraft with its main gun. Coaxial and mounted is a diffrent story. This is mostly refering to the Magrider and the Vanguard. The vanguard has no need to use its main gun on aircraft, the 20mm owns aircraft at medium range. The Magrider on the other hand. Well everyone knows about that. God damn sniper AA platform. It should not be like that. A tank with no AA or friendly air should be just asking to get wasted. Not shoot down enemy aircraft. Give the mag a mounted gun on top and everything would be even. (cant delevate it all the way to ground so infantry and tanks have nothing to worry about) Then make the main guns on all the tanks simply "bounce or deflect" off of the aircraft but still do minimal damage to them (1/4th current). Simply put, make the tanks be what tanks are supposed to be. Infantry owning, friendly infantry SUPPORTING, juicy targets for aircraft. Sick and tired of 5 mags rollin down from a base that can own anything in the air and ground. Same for Vanguards. Please not Im not bitchin against prowlers b/c the 12mm on that is crap vs aircraft and its very hard to mid air with it. Its acctualy what a tank should be. A death trap vs aircraft.
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