Originally Posted by Fragmatic
Yeah, and also, the stats graph you posted in the first quote (removed to save space)... Hello PorkFryer! (Don't say it's not you, you have the char EVILoHOMER and also set that up as a PSU account) I personally feel that you are a waste of space on the forum database, with such worthless and pointless opinions and amount of dupe accounts you have.
This caught my attention and I'm curious if this guy really is PorkFryer? As some of you know I started a Ban poll after PorkFryer made this statment.
Originally Posted by PorkFryer
just cause ur all fuckin american dicks who think their sooo great :| i fuckin hope korea bomb u! and iraq will get their own bk! plus r prime minister is a dick for bummin up to u! but he speaks for himself not the country. who r a bunch of fucking ***** anyways! dunno how english ppl cud move and turn to such dickheads! let me just say them trade centers were blockin my garden view, im glad they were destroid and all them ppl died! made u fucking realise u rnt powerful u just think u r!
His horrible Grammer and l33t speak appear to be the same. As some of you know I lost my brother in the WTC tragedy and this guy really ticked me off. If the admins wouldn't mind doing an IP check for me and if he is really PorkFryer I would like a complete IP ban not just a name ban. I know I am beating a dead horse with this but if this guy really is PorkFryer I want him gone.